10.1 Keith's Story

It's time to check in with our friends at Java. Keith has finished his university studies but doesn't know what to do next. He's working at Java because it's convenient. His mother, Sandra owns the place, but this is not his dream job. Unfortunately, he has no idea what his dream job may be. Let's see what he's thinking about his future. I don't know why you're not happy here. This is a great job it's flexible. You get to meet some interesting people. You get to work with your wonderful mother all day. Ah, yes. Are you not lucky someday. This could be all yours. And Nate's yeah, Nate loves business and he loves it here. But mom, I wanna do something different. I don't know what it is, but I'll figure it out. I know you will keep, you are an intelligent young man. In the meantime, I am happy to have you working with me. Thanks, mom. I remember those years, it's hard to know what you want to do when you're young. Sometimes it's hard to know what you want when you're older too. That's true. If only we could help Keith discover a rewarding career that would suit him.